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All services delivered online in the comfort of your own space via phone, video, instant text and email

Terminal Illness
to End-of-Life Counselling

Are you experiencing a death anxiety (a fear of dying)?  Or how to have a peaceful death?

Are you needing help with conversations that you are afraid to have or may be causing distress?

Would you like help exploring the different stages of hope in the journey?

Confidential Personalised Caregiving Services 

Death transitioning is a tense period in the last stage of life.  It can be an opportunity for personal, emotional and spiritual growth, and strengthening family bonds, or it can tear families apart.  I’ve witnessed both.

This importance of having family conversations for anyone preparing for eventual death can begin at any time, i.e. days, weeks, months, or years before or nearing the end of life.  

Since my first caregiving role accompanying the dying many years ago (see the About Me page), I’ve come to realise how crucial these open conversations are during the dying process to help reduce intense feelings of guilt, shock or shame for the dying and others after death.  The first woman I accompanied emotionally and spiritually was really gracious in her dying process.  This left a strong impression on me, and my perception of death and dying was transformed; it deepened my compassion for others as well as for myself and helped me realise how precious life is at a very early stage in adulthood.  The experience gave me with the impetus to find my purpose in helping other families feel able to have the best send off possible during a painful ending.


** This service is for anyone in the community (either with, or without, a connection to a particular faith or religious community).


How I Work



for the dying

I provide an array of emotional and spiritual support (see below) as part of a multi-disciplinary caregiving team (doctors, nurses, occupational health, physiotherapists, etc.) to help alleviate death anxiety and to fulfill your wishes on your journey from the point of diagnosis onwards. 

We can prepare together for peace of mind.

for friends / families 

For many, the support for dying and bereavement is a disjointed, chaotic process:  they might see a professional as part of domiciliary care or perhaps a Chaplain in a hospital for emotional and/or spiritual support, then a different Priest for religious support to conduct the funeral or memorial service, then a different person to offer them therapeutic support after the funeral.  

I offer all these services in one place, to give you one consistent relationship throughout the process and a completely personalised experience. 

I will help you find meaningful ways to honour your loved one, and to help you create special memories that you will cherish forever.



I provide an online service for private in-home palliative or community hospice patients and their families/friends, which can include any of the following:

  • ethical consultations
  • communication and advocacy, including how to have conversations with healthcare professionals and family members about fulfilling your healthcare wishes, e.g. Advanced Care Directives
  • facilitation of family conversations with conflicting views
  • end-of-life coaching, to help you identify your goals and priorities
  • sound healing, including trained singing, meditative sounds and guided meditations upon request
  • companionship, including life review and reflective conversations
  • emotional, including help with various concerns, such as death anxiety
  • spiritual accompanying, including discussions on what gives you strength and hope for a meaningful farewell
  • reconciliation and forgiveness
  • religious support, including prayers and scripture
  • developing legacy projects, including helping you to write your life story to enable others to remember you in the way you’d like to be remember

Meaningful Farewells Café (an open, ongoing limited-size group). This will be a free-flowing discussion in which we will share ideas of meaningful activities to support the dying and their families.


Reach out to arrange your session - get a bonus resource after booking

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“Even as we grieved, we grew.
  Even as we hurt, we hoped.
  Even as we tired, we tried…
  to author a new chapter,
  to offer hope and laughter to
  [each other and]…
  emerge, battered and beautiful.”

            “The Hill We Climb”–  Amanda Gorman

Post-death for the family

  • Providing support for families to create a meaningful, personalised tribute to honour and remember the person you have lost.
  • custom-designing, co-ordinating and leading memorial services online which enables accessibility for distant relatives.


  • writing a tribute or helping with aspects of a funeral or memorial service, such as choosing music or poetry

Download your free guide

This unique guide provides tips for the beginning phase of the journey when grief is intense (though it might help you in later stages as well). 

Once subscribed, you will receive additional exclusive resources to help ease the intensity of grief.  You can unsubscribe at any time.


Limiting/Terminal Illnesses

Support for an expected loss from life-limiting illnesses ranging from long-term health conditions to end-of-life care.

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Parenting Coach for the Widowed

Support for bereaved single parents, and individuals to learn how to cope with transitions, living losses, and death.

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Counselling / Talking Therapy

For significant living losses and grief from traumatic deaths.  Flexible number of sessions with a highly trained grief specialist.

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Support Groups

  • Adolescents
  • Adults
  • Conversation Cafés
  • Resilient Parenting for the bereaved

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Web-classes and

Live online bereavement training and presentations for employees, and volunteers to learn to support appropriately.